Monday, March 09, 2009


I love this haggard old punk. It's just a term of endearment - I promise. I truly do LOVE Vivienne Westwood.
Why? Let me explain visually.

Ok. I just laughed out loud. Look at her. How can I possibly write when I want to explode from excitement.
She is clearly a crazy old woman. She thankfully is in her own ad campaigns, she has unruly, english punk hair.
And most importantly she is a PUNK. An OLD PUNK.
I can only hope to suffer a early-life crisis at the age of 23 and magically wake up, decide to dye my hair bright orange, draw on my eyebrows and be an internationally known fashion designer. A bitch can dream.

Honestly though I know Vivienne Westwood MUST be the famous, older, white version of me because look at this creation of hers which truly at some stage in my life - hopefully when I'm 60 and can use my pension to purchase them - I WILL own.

I KNOW. These are my ultimate shoes. They are MF STUDDED. I know the height looks a bit elaborate.
But as is appropriate when they are designed by Vivienne Westwood.
You may remember that notorious picture of Naomi Campbell fallen over on the catwalk in those RIDICULOUSLY sized heels.

Yep. They were Vivienne Westwood heels.
[Notice how I subtly avoided addressing the crotch shot. I'm a very classy lady.]

Some of you may not know I started this blog because I had to for a Network Media Production class.
CLEARLY I am enjoying it, but I have somehow avoided talking about anything relevant to the class altogether.
This changes now as I go off on a tangent and explain my complete and utter love of the internet and fashion blogs.
If these didn't exist I don't know how I would have seen and been able to share these amazing vintage images of Vivienne Westwood in her PUNK PRIME.

The deal is Vivienne Westwood was as provocative THEN as she is NOW. God Bless Her.
Back in the 70s with her then-husband - Malcolm McLaren - she opened a boutique called SEX.
In which they would stock t-shirts with nude prints and general racey items that only a punk rocker couple would.

Now in class we have currently been learning about blogs and blogging communities, their popularity etc.
Yes. I learnt there are a shit load. I never thought much about them and I don't know how as I find myself reading blogs all the time.
I mean some of the only sites I visit regularly are blogs despite not having "blog" in the web address they are quite obviously regularly updated celebrity blogs - I'm talking What Would Tyler Durden Do + Go Fug Yourself.

The point I'm trying to get at is blogs aren't as painfully nerdy and unneccessary as I initially thought.
Ok. When people are really serious and use it like an online diary [vomit] I must admit it makes me cringe. But thats just me.
But people can and DO make a living off this.
Don't believe me - think of that hideous gay Perez Hilton. He should be famous mind you - he is HILARIOUS and his paint skills are surpassable by none.
The thing is you can get a laugh and view info or see images you wouldn't get to otherwise.
I guess its the just luck of stumbling across a blog you like or find helpful. And then you can rip photos and info from them and make your own blog.
Like me. SUCKERS. No. Give credit where its due.
Thanks GOOGLE.

And of course this post would not be complete without a quote from the woman herself.

"I was the first person to have a punk rock hairstyle." - Vivienne Westwood.

I believe you Viv. I believe you. [Note the devil horns in her hair. God. I really do LOVE this woman]

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