Monday, March 30, 2009


IN SHORT. I have discovered I really like wearing the colour black.
Now I didn't start off like this. I feel I have just rediscovered black since getting my hair rebleached to as white as it will let me without going bald.
Is it a contrast thing? or more that I have ballooned to a whale that black gives me needed comfort?
Who knows. What I do know though is I seriously LOVE black everything at the moment.
Am I turning into a GOTH but I'm in denial?


On a side note. You know who is a hot goth? Nicholas Cage's son.

LOL. I know. But seriously can you imagine a right freak like Nicholas Cage creating this kid.
Ok you probably can. But this kid called Weston Coppola Cage is 18 years old. (I'm a predator - I like my men young. lolvoms).
But check out the arms on this guy. Hubba Hubba.

I can't sit here and justify why this guy is attractive to me. Keep in mind I like long hair.

Now back to the point.
Having an already studded face doesn't necessarily help me NOT look like a goth, I guess. Oh. And I do have a black cat. Is it a coincidence? or am I going to start practicing black magic in my spare time?
If only.

First someone will have to pry me from my laptop and from the numerous amounts of fashion blogs that are wrecking my life. Ok, really they are filling my life with great fashion inspiration but also showing me clothes I wish I could have but can't afford and they are created by normal girls that are ridiculously stylish and the degree of thin I could never be.

But what I am getting at is - they have helped inspire my new black clothing fetish.
I mean black can be very clean and plain I guess, but not when you're the designer Gareth Pugh.

I'd never seen much of this man's work but initially heard of him from my friend Andrea. We had a good old ROFL at first at how his last name would be pronounced 'poo'.
This may not be the actual case. But look. Andrea and I find farts and the mention of penis' and vaginas funny. So we are bound to laugh at 'pugh/poo'.
I have no words for his designs so let me visually stimulate you.

I need me some of these shredded to shit jeans, fur oversized shoulder pad capes, PLATFORM buckle heels and geometric jackets.
Oh and my love of whack items doesn't end there.
Here I insert another designer love of mine - DANIEL PALILLO.
Now not only do I love black clothes recently. I've become a bit of a monotone george and prefer black, white and grey.
Boring it seems I know. But I just so wholeheartedly don't agree. These colours or lack there of, are just classic.
They match everything. You pretty much can't go wrong.

But what Daniel Palillo does is use just the right amount of colour.
His designs are usually black and white which suits me just fine and more importantly what makes his designs amazing is everything is OVERSIZED to the point where you can't believe people of a normal size can wear and pull off his look.

Appropriately for my whale self his designs would probably be a tight sausage skin on me, but regardless if I could get my filthy mits on his goods I would be in LITERAL heaven.

Let's not get started on his recent design collaboration to make accessories. I DEFINITELY MUST HAVE THIS.

long chain hand necklaces. ftw.

I am definitely gonna pass out now. I hope I have sent you all into black clothing overload. Let alone experienced the amount of pain I feel when realising I don't own these items.
Now you have had a slight glimpse of what it's like to be me everyday.

Not a pretty sight is it.

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